Friday 31 July 2009

we sing the nightmare of the lies that you speak.

so today i'm happy happy; i drove to the gym and back and went to TESCOS with my dad which was surprisingly riveting, and i spent the afternoon learning ALL about these for my astronomy course which was also surprisingly riveting:

=) cool tings.

now i'm going to play farm frenzy (i know i finished the levels but now i'm trying to get GOLD MEDALS on all of them, shhhhh i'm not at all tragic).

'why does that girl have GAP on her ars?!!!'

1) i drove to the coast and back and feel very proud
2) i've started wearing lots of rings, it makes me feel like a hippy
3) i've finished all the levels on farm frenzy 2; therefore my life has no meaning anymore ;D

Tuesday 28 July 2009

this time baby, i'll be bulletproof.

i swear alex kirkham comes up with the funniest shit.

Monday 27 July 2009

hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.

so i'm feeling kinda kooky today. i've eaten loads of cereal and i drove really fast round all the roundabouts in Bracknell with my sister while listening to Patrick Wolf and it was super fun. i also found a purple ring and downloaded lots of funny songs and played in some leaves.
a) a lip piercing
b) to be ruder and funnier
c) a lizard

Saturday 25 July 2009

love is not a victory march.

so i've just spent two weeks in france with possibly the most irritating girl i know; i came home tonight and it's AWESOME to have some privacy/the internet/my room and ting... but almost everyone who is vaguely important/interesting to me is away =/


right, i think i'm gonna spend the next couple of weeks being very useful and productive since nobody i really want to see is ACTUALLY in the country (except alex kirkham, and there's only so much dancing, singing, flailing gay boy a sane person can take...)

1) clear out room
2) practise driving as much as possible
3) finish astronomy course (i started it in france; it's riveting)
4) read and attempt to understand The Tempest
5) dye hair
6) download lots of music
7) go running every day (hahahahahahahahaha)
8) write personal statement

Wednesday 8 July 2009

'mother i can never come home again, because i seem to have left an important part of my brain somewhere... in a field.. in hampshire.

today was buff; we held a geography party for our teacher Mrs Lettington whose leaving tomorrow, and we had an ENGLAND SHAPED JELLY and a ICED WORLD CAKE and an astounding geographically relevant music playlist (made by me obv) and it was just a bit too cool.

also i break up for summer tomorrow, but i have lots of 'CITING tings to do (ish):

1) write a personal statement
(should be interesting.. 'yeah so er, i'm sophie and i like to listen to the velvet underground and drink jelly through a straw and read jonathan safran foer simultaneously which shows i'm very varied and cool and flexible, PLS LET ME IN?!!!)
2)GET A JOB (this is very important as i'm a tramp who seriously needs to stop scrounging)
3) do a course in ASTRONOMY (haha don't even ask, but it looks fucking intense)
4) go driving lots and pass my driving test...
5) Read:
- L'etranger by Albert Camus
- The Tempest by Shakespeare
- There Is A God by Antony Flew
- The Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

la la la la la. oh, i'm going to Reading fest again too which will be FUN TINGSSS cause kitty's coming this time and last time i was literally like OMDZ ADAM GREEN IDA MARIA OMDZ OMDZ CAJUN DANCE PARTY WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW and the people i was with were all like LIKE, THE KILLERS, COOL.

'i deal in certain... commodities.'

Friday 3 July 2009

Threw my money in a wishing well, but nothing got better, only slightly wet.

i need:

1) to be less of a procrastinator
2) to be less of a dick to some people
3) to be less imcompetent
4) to be less hyperactive vaguely all the time
5) to be more responsible ish (or at least not act like a downs seven year old constantly)
6) to act older - i got away with being 14 on the bus earlier... i'll be 18 in 5 months.
7) to be more cool and less shit
8) to be more assertive to my parents and people in general.

me and kitty are going to go watch cool tings and eat cheesy chippy oniony cheese now.