Thursday 31 December 2009

fuck and run.

2010 YAY, bit excited.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

it's you, it's me... and there's DANCING!

aw man. everything's gooood =)


1) get a job (this is getting a bit ridiculous)
2) get into university
3) get at least one more piercing
4) FLOSS! (apparently it makes you live longer, although that might just be my crazy dentist sister telling me LIESSSS)
5) go to at least 10 gigs
6) befriend more straight men
7) KEEP my friends (i seem to have lost way too many over the past two years)
8) get a tattoo
9) improve at driving, or at least don't feel like i'm going to die at every roundabout/dual carriageway/one way street
10) don't become an alcoholic/crazy smoker/crack addict or anything that may prevent me from passing my A levels and getting into sexy uni.

ummm, yeah. today i revised a lot and watched LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS which is amazing and ate a rank tuna thing and covered my bedroom door with tissue paper cause i felt like it and laughed a lot when my dad got my mum a FOXY LADY mug and smiled a lot when dad got me some aussie conditioner and sorted out what i'm doing for new years (pub crawl in north london with uncool people, standard) and decided that my hair is far too ginger and thought about entering my cat into a beauty pageant until i realised that she'd try and eat/kill everything and decided never to eat macademia nuts again cause they taste like shit and um yeah that's it.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

i don't want to be your other half, i believe that one and one make two.

things i have newly discovered about myself and life:
1) public transport is free in London on New Years Eve :O
2) i like dark rum far better than Malibu or any shit like that
3) i'm exceedingly funny most of the time, i think i should use this to my advantage more often
4) ticket guys on trains are dick munchers and should die/be castrated and burned
5) my hair really is ginger, need to sort it
6) marlboro reds make me go ape shit
7) i never have closure with anything or anyone.

Sunday 20 December 2009

oh baby, it's a wild world.

I've always had a thing for language, i know i'm doing literature at uni but i'm one of those people who gets quite excited by certain words haha, oh dear sophie.

LIST OF EXCITABLE WORDS (that i can think of):
1) Pedestrian
2) Jerk
3) Wallow
4) Curb
4) Sophisticated (but only really cause it has my name in it, ish)
5) Faggot
7) Shiver
8) Creature
9) Theology
10) Bugger
11) Bubble
12) Pussy
13) Eunuch
14) Sneaky
15) Crack
16) Chuckle
17) Eccentricity
18) Skank
19) Necrophiliac
20) Soup
21) Boob
22) Krill
23) Duck
24) Sex
25) Odd
26) Implode
27) Banal
28) Nooks
29) Crannies
30) Dyke
31) Coral
32) Fuck.

Friday 18 December 2009

well i'm not surprised, but i never feel quite prepared.

1) I love snow
2) I love alex kirkham (ish)
3) I love Bright Eyes
4) I love christmas
5) I love feeling unprepared and spontaneous

Sunday 13 December 2009

christmas is going to the dogs.

so i had a cambridge interview which was fun larks and my sister & her boyfriend are over today which is even more fun larks and i'm shimmying over to cat's gran's house in a bit which is the funnest i've ever larked if i'm honest.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

I fill these pages like I fill those spaces with my lies.

Georgina Ingham loved that our RE captain ended up drunk from mulled wine today...true marist spirit.

^ so that pretty much sums up my life.
i got screamed at by about three different teachers, but laughed at by most. mrs cox was probably the best, coming out with 'you got drunk on the mulled wine? oh sophie, you absolute pillock.'

Tuesday 8 December 2009

13% conscientious? get in.

today i ate my first christmas dinner and sang All I Want For Christmas Is You accapella with my whole year in the lunch hall. i also cried and drank a whole bottle of rescue remedy and got the highest marks in a literature quiz in English. i also watched 3 episodes of skins and slid along the school corridor in huge reindeer slippers, and sang and laughed and stressed a lot. tomorrow we're having MULLED WINE at school and i'm not at all excited..

Monday 7 December 2009

all i want for christmas is us.

so the ones in bold are the ones i've done, good times.

new years resolutions 2007/2008:
1)Get thin
2)Write in my diary lots and lots
3)Get a job
4)Get a girlfriend
5)Maybe tell my parents more
6)Pass the majority of my GCSEs, get an A* in English

new years resolutions 2008/2009:
1)Lose a stone and a half
2)Get a job
3)Read more stuff
4)Go to End of the Road festival
5)Go to Reading festival
6)Vaguely learn an instrument ish (learning a Coldplay song on the keyboard counts, right?)
7)Properly sort out my itunes
8)Be a better friend to people at school
9)Save money to get hair done/festival tickets etc.
10)Decide on a hair colour/style and vaguely stick to it
11)pass AS levels, get an A in English
12)Eat less shit
13)Be honest to mum and dad ALL the time
14)Hand in all work on time
15)Don't lose/break as much stuff
16)Somehow get clear glowing skin with no spots
17)DON'T eat chocolate
18)Watch lots of films
19)Finish decorating room
20)Meet someone completely new
21)pass driving test

22)Get really good at French
23)Get a tattoo/another piercing
24)Go to gay pride in Brighton
25)Go to at least 5 gigs
26)Have a postsecret wall

2009/2010 (so far):
1) GET A JOB!! (this is getting a bit ridiculous, non?)
4) get a tattoo
5) get another piercing or two

aye :)

i ain't no abacus but you can count on me.

i've had the most unproductive last three days, EVER. done pretty much no work or anything even related to an education.
instead i've (amongst other things):
1) drunk 27 cups of tea
2) overdosed on mental concentration pills and got insanely restless
3) made a christmas tree hat
4) played on the sims 3 for approximately 18 hours
5) watched five episodes of skins
6) eaten an entire bag of kettle chips and thrown up
7) painted my nails acid yellow

Thursday 3 December 2009

fate fell short this time.

cambridge interview next week, shit fuck tit wank bugger ars.
venice was sexy and cool, it flooded the day we left so we had to wade through the streets with bin bags on our feet and it was surreal.

'You know, I don't think Jason's realized even half of what he's going to be. I wouldn't be so quick to judge. I think you might be surprised at what he's capable of.'