so the ones in bold are the ones i've done, good times.
new years resolutions 2007/2008:1)Get thin
2)Write in my diary lots and lots3)Get a job
4)Get a girlfriend5)Maybe tell my parents more6)Pass the majority of my GCSEs, get an A* in Englishnew years resolutions 2008/2009:1)Lose a stone and a half
2)Get a job
3)Read more stuff4)Go to End of the Road festival
5)Go to Reading festival6)Vaguely learn an instrument ish (learning a Coldplay song on the keyboard counts, right?)
7)Properly sort out my itunes
8)Be a better friend to people at school9)Save money to get hair done/festival tickets etc. 10)Decide on a hair colour/style and vaguely stick to it
11)pass AS levels, get an A in English12)Eat less shit
13)Be honest to mum and dad ALL the time
14)Hand in all work on time
15)Don't lose/break as much stuff16)Somehow get clear glowing skin with no spots
17)DON'T eat chocolate
18)Watch lots of films19)Finish decorating room20)Meet someone completely new
21)pass driving test22)Get really good at French
23)Get a tattoo/another piercing
24)Go to gay pride in Brighton
25)Go to at least 5 gigs
26)Have a postsecret wall 2009/2010 (so far):1) GET A JOB!! (this is getting a bit ridiculous, non?)
4) get a tattoo
5) get another piercing or two
aye :)