Wednesday 30 December 2009

it's you, it's me... and there's DANCING!

aw man. everything's gooood =)


1) get a job (this is getting a bit ridiculous)
2) get into university
3) get at least one more piercing
4) FLOSS! (apparently it makes you live longer, although that might just be my crazy dentist sister telling me LIESSSS)
5) go to at least 10 gigs
6) befriend more straight men
7) KEEP my friends (i seem to have lost way too many over the past two years)
8) get a tattoo
9) improve at driving, or at least don't feel like i'm going to die at every roundabout/dual carriageway/one way street
10) don't become an alcoholic/crazy smoker/crack addict or anything that may prevent me from passing my A levels and getting into sexy uni.

ummm, yeah. today i revised a lot and watched LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS which is amazing and ate a rank tuna thing and covered my bedroom door with tissue paper cause i felt like it and laughed a lot when my dad got my mum a FOXY LADY mug and smiled a lot when dad got me some aussie conditioner and sorted out what i'm doing for new years (pub crawl in north london with uncool people, standard) and decided that my hair is far too ginger and thought about entering my cat into a beauty pageant until i realised that she'd try and eat/kill everything and decided never to eat macademia nuts again cause they taste like shit and um yeah that's it.

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