Wednesday 6 April 2011

Things Which I Am Looking Forward To (vaguely in order of short, medium and long term although not really)

1. Seeing Caitlin tomorrow
2. Going to Portugal on Friday!
3. Going to France on the 19th
4. 2000 Trees festival
5. Shambala festival
6. Possible Amsterdam in August/ going away with Cat
7. Dying my hair
8. Having a house next year
9. Being able to share baths with Triston
10. Having a double bed, a garden and generally more space 
11. Cat going to university - she really, really needs a break and some fun times
12. Getting to study modules I actually want to/ have chosen next year
13. Going back to uni in a few weeks
14. Summer barbecues and beach trips
15. When mum retires and finally chills out (fingers crossed)
16. Mum and dad moving away somewhere nicer than Sunningshithill
17. My sister becoming a fully fledged dentist/ wife/ mother
18. Graduating!!
19. Writing my very first book/ getting a decent book published

errr I think I need to stop now before I get too excited... okay one more

21. NAMING MY BABIES - Mathilda, Oscar, Imogen, Theo, Nathan, etc etc.

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