Friday 23 September 2011

every rose has it's thorn, just like every night has it's dawn

House is lovely, friends are lovely, Brighton is incredible. Despite losing my purse the day I moved in and so not having ANY cash, any way to access cash or any form of I.D for 5 days (until it got handed in to the security office on campus with everything in it down to the couple of quid's change - this is why I love the people round these parts) I still had a pretty amazing time which I think is a testament to just how much I love Brighton.
Wednesday night - went to an open mic night at The Druids Head in the south lanes where Charlie and Holly both played and were incredible. Went back to the Big House (where Charlie, Holly, Alia, Ruth, Pike, Edd and Lizzy live) for nice drinky and chatty times.
Thursday - Zipped about in Jeff, moving some of Holly's stuff from Jack Lloyd's old house to the Big House. stayed in in the evening and drank lambrini out of champagne flutes, ate leftover chinese and watched lots of True Blood :)
Friday - Doig's dad took us out for drinks and dinner and my god did I get battered as fuck... three glasses of champagne, a rum and coke, a glass of white wine, a blue lagoon cocktail, a few glugs of a bottle of rose wine i found on the pavement and around 10-15 jaegerbombs. enough said.
Saturday - hangingggg like a bad man, still went to Doig's big birthday party at the Big House which was packed and mental. tactically chundered twice but kept on drinking till around 3/4am, felt pretty hardcore.
Sunday - Stayed at Big House most of the day being dead; ate cheese on toast and watched Withnail & I followed by Beauty and The Beast. Went to campus and picked up my purse (yay), dinner and more True Blood and sex and lots of sleeps.
Monday & Tuesday - eating, fucking, sleeping, drinking (not necessarily in that order)
Wednesday - Becky and Matt move in! Also went into town, picked up my new debit card, went to Big House, la la la
Thursday - sunny bbq at ours with various people, then into town for another open mic night at the Medusa bar near Churchill Square which Charlie played at and got THREE encores cause he was incredible! Despite slight incident involving pills for 30p and a potential rapist it was a beautiful night :)

And today i'm driving home to go into London for dinner with my parents and sister for my mum's birthday, then tomorrow I was supposed to be moving Cat into Sussex but alas my poor baby is sicky :( Still going to visit and bring treats and love.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

now i've been sitting on this abandoned beach for years

Moving house tomorrow, very very excite! Spent the last couple of days clearing out my room, packing and saying goodbye to some friendly faces before I go. Good grief I'm SO eager; I think that in a way going back to university after a year is even better than leaving for university for the first time. I'm just as excited, but also more secure in the knowledge that I have friends, a lovely house and a boyfriend waiting for me there :)

Sunday 4 September 2011

come on Abel, are you going to skin me?

Life over the past couple of weeks has been some of the funnest fun I ever did fun. Firstly there was Shambala which was full of good friends, good drugs, good vibes, good sex and great music - an incredible weekend which could have only possibly been made that tiny bit better by less rain and the presence of Kitty.

Then my sxc bby boi came back with me to sexy Ascot and stayed for a sexy week involving, well, lots of sex and food. He left about an hour ago, and tomorrow morning at around 5am I'm flying to France for a riveting week of trying to read everything I was supposed to have read over the summer (approximately 10 plays, 11 novels, 5 self help books about writing fiction and 1 opera) and being lovingly patronised and nagged by my parents. Wonderful - but as I'm still swimming in the incredible surreality that is/ was this summer, I don't really mind :)