Monday 11 June 2012

no amount of coffee, no amount of crying.

I've spent today largely feeling very alone. This is disconcerting;  today I went into town and had a chat with Nigel who is the head of Personnel Selection, a recruitment agency I went through to get my waitressing job last week. He was really kind and sweet to me and concerned that I didn't get enough breaks and said that he'd write to the catering company to complain, and assured me he'd phone as soon as any more work came up. While I was there I also saw two of the guys I worked with, who were equally kind and sweet and chatty to me. Then I went to Big House where I spent the afternoon with Holly, Alia and Charlie - who were all (as usual) friendly and good humoured and enquired about how I was and what I'd been up to and we chatted for hours and I played them some music I've gotten into recently which they really liked. Then I got the bus home and Butch, James and Becky all asked where I'd been all day and if I'd had a nice time and again, they were all interested and nice and gave me hugs. And Doig's been texting me today and I've spoken to Cat on facebook, and even though Triston's revising he's been coming in my room occasionally to kiss me and squeeze me and tell me he loves me and make some inside joke or another.

I really don't understand why this isn't enough.

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