Wednesday 8 May 2013

Write My Life: Secondary School (part 3)

It was at this stage in my life that I became close to my all time best friend, Cat. As much as I was still friends with my group at school, there was always so much drama and intensity with them, and a lot of the time I felt as if they didn't really 'get' my laid back, happy go lucky personality. I started to get frustrated with the way they would turn everything into a huge drama; the tensions between Anna and myself along with a very messy break up with Sophia (having only been together around a month) didn't really help matters either, so I essentially broke away from the group, along with two of the other girls, Laura and Rhianne. I felt that Laura and Rhianne were far closer to each other than they were to me, and although I have some great memories of the times we hung out together in that last year of secondary school, I also remember having that same feeling of not really 'clicking' with them.
So around this time I had grown closer with Cat, a super cool (if a bit weird and nerdy) girl  in the year below me at school who I became friends with at an equally super cool (if a bit weird and nerdy) teenage disco held in our local leisure centre at the tender ages of 12 and 13. Yep. However it was when she moved away to a tiny village the other side of Reading that we both agree made us realise how much fun we had hanging out together. In fact I missed it so much I would trek the nearly 2 hour journey by train and bus every weekend to go visit her, where we would generally stay up all night watching bad cheesy horror films and drinking way too much energy drink (which remain to this day probably my all time favourite memories from being a teenager).
And for the first time since I had moved out of London, I felt like I really clicked with someone. We were both kind of weird and goofy and disliked at school, we had nearly identical tastes in music and films and we appreciated doing the same things (primarily sneaking out and going on adventures around where she lived, harassing people we knew to hang out with us and trying to get our hands on booze). Somewhat unfortunately for us, the blossoming of this wacky wonderful friendship also coincided with my aforementioned mental rebellious teenage phase. As much as Cat played a part in my mischief, I genuinely feel like I would have done all that crazy stuff even if we weren't friends - I was, after all, still a hormonal sexually confused teenager with some angst and frustration to burn. However, my parents didn't see it that way, and after my infamous crazy house party of January 2008, they took it upon themselves to inhibit our friendship in any way possible (as in, literally banned us from seeing each other for six months), and didn't really reverse their somewhat misguided opinions until I left for university and it became clear that nothing was going to stop us from being the best of friends.
We're now reaching a pretty bleak part of my life, and honestly if it wasn't for Cat I really don't know how I would have coped with my first year in Sixth Form.

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