Tuesday 15 September 2009

what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is.

so today was interesting. went up to London on my own and got quite lost which was strangely exhilirating. went to the University of London exhibit, picked up some pamphlets and talked to a nice lady. then i had a few hours to kill so i jumped on the Picadilly line and headed up to where i used to live.
it was further away than i remembered and i ended up walking a lot which was okay, it was kinda surreal. my house and the area outside and the park seemed pretty much the same except a lot smaller, like everything had shrunk but i guess it's just cause i was smaller then.
the only let down was they've completely re-done the playground that i used to go to all the time as a child; NO space rocket, NO helter skelter slides and the swings are all different and shit :(

sad times.
i'm pretty happy though cause it rained a lot today & i like heavy rain, and i feel like i've travelled A LOT which is nice cause i like travelling too. i went from Ascot to Waterloo, Waterloo to Goodge Stret, Goodge Street to Leicester Square, Leicester Square to Oakwood, Oakwood to Kings Cross, Kings Cross to Oxford Circus, Oxford Circus to Waterloo, Waterloo to Ascot :).

1 comment:

  1. i love that song!

    glad you had a good day. havent seen you in AGES woman!
