Monday 18 October 2010

you give love a bad name.

things that I have learnt/ discovered at university that I wasn't expecting to learn/ discover:

1. a lot of people take A LOT of drugs
2. there are a lot of drugs about everywhere, if you know where to look
3. sex with men is nice
4. motivating yourself to do things you don't want to do (ie turning up to morning lectures/ seminars, reading stuff) is extraordinarily difficult without any parental/ authoritative figures who actually give a fuck or will punish you if you don't do it
5. A LOT of people take gap years/ spend three or four years at college
6. ergo, a lot of people are older than me and it feels a bit weird
7. a lot of people have really bad teeth compared to what i'm used to - i'm not sure if this is a class thing or what.
8. seagulls are the spawn of the devil. they eat your food, they wake you up in the middle of the night by tapping on your window/ making a hell of a noise, and their eyes are creepy. shudder.
9. a surprising amount of people can cook - although this might be a result of most of them being older/ wiser etc
10. lecturers are ridiculously boring 93% of the time. the 7% of the time when they're not boring is usually because they bear a resemblance to somebody famous or have an amusing accent.
11. I don't care as much about my appearance as I thought I did; I don't think i've worn make up since I arrived, I've been wearing pretty tramp-ish clothes and my hair is starting to naturally dread. yummmmm

um, yeah.

1 comment:

  1. #1 is very true about Brighton (Assuming your talking about Brighton), I'm not the sort of person to go near those circles, but on multiple occations I have found myself surrounded with that stuff.

    Like the accurate percentages on #10 too. =P
