Wednesday 22 February 2012

and i was not the answer so forget you ever thought it was me

Everything is so strange right now; Triston and I have been sleeping ridiculous amounts - I can't remember the last time I got out of bed before 1pm - and missing lots of lectures and stuff and I'm not even really sure why. It's not like we've been going to bed late or going out clubbing or having hectic days or really DOING anything, it's just one endless cycle of lethargy and not really knowing what to do with ourselves.

You know what they say about getting older
It's only a doorway away
You know what they say about it getting colder
In the middle of the day

You can live in the corner of my room
And I will live somewhere between the ceiling and the wall
And if I need anything at all
I'll call out to you,
That's what I'll do

I'll sit out on the front sofa while your hands, they talk to me
All of this dragging around is not as fun as it used to be

Oh here we go again
All that I wanted, all that I needed.

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