Sunday 11 March 2012

Da dee da. Haven't done a real post in a while so I might as well. I've finished all my deadlines for the term which is very exciting, although I haven't really celebrated properly yet because almost everyone I know still has insane amounts of work for next week. Had a beautiful spontaneous barbecue with my housemates (minus Matt, which probably helped) last night coupled with Triston and Butch trying to fix the outside drain which was hilarious - Butch blocked it by throwing a load of old barbecue ash/ charcoaly water down it, silly silly man.

Been getting vague insomnia but nothing too serious, I've just started getting really restless and vaguely panicky right before I'm about to go to sleep. That plus me waking up weirdly early means I've been feeling pretty surreal and manic over the past few days, not necessarily a bad thing.

Ummmm last week of term next week, but I'm gonna stay in Brighton for most of Easter cause I have insane amounts of work to do which I need the campus library for ideally - not actually going back to Ascot at all apart from next weekend for Mothers Day, and then I'm flying to France to meet my parents, Alice and Eddy for a few days from April 8th to the 14th.

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