Sunday 14 February 2010

i smoke and i drink and everytime i blink i have a tiny dream

reasons why life is good:
1) my hair is no longer ginger
2) i have the snuggliest ABERCROMBIE & FITCH hoody; it's the first designer thing i think i've ever owned, and it's buff
3) we have a shitload of chinese food at my house
4) i have £54 in my bank account
5) it's half term

reasons why life is bad:
1) i keep getting awful mood swings where i laugh hysterically at the smallest thing, and then weep over nothing in the space of about half an hour
2) the new skins is rubbish and it makes me die a little bit inside
3) i have no valentine
4) i've put on a ton of weight
5) there's no super good music around.

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