Tuesday 4 January 2011

Nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me.

Apparently I talk about sex too much; I think this is true and I'm going to stop. Today Anna said a lovely thing to me; she said that she was genuinely glad that I was finally truly happy because 'it's amazing when good things happen to good people.' I've never thought I'm a particularly good person, but it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside all the same and I don't think I'll forget it in a hurry.

I've also been exponentially unhealthy today. I've eaten pasta, crisps, pizza, a subway, apple crumble and custard. I've smoked approximately six cigarettes. I've drunken lemonade and diet coke. Actually I had some pomegranate and blueberry juice this morning - therefore everything else is rectified, obviously. I started the day watching My Sister's Keeper; this depressed me somewhat not only due to the automatically depression-triggering plot, but because it didn't seem to be staying particularly faithful to the book and this always frustrates me. So I hopped in Jeff and drove to Anna's house where we smoked and ate junk and talked about people and places and life and the situations in which we find ourselves and went for a non-directional drive about, it was fun. Then I hopped back into Jeff and drove 10 minutes down the road to Katy's house, where we ate junk and watched cultural television and talked about people and places and life and the situations in which we find ourselves.

I'm going to make a list of things I need to do tomorrow, as I have misplaced my Lists book and my diary is far away.

1. Start packing for East Slope
2. Tidy room
3. Look at reading list for next term/ collect books I already have
4. Visit Katy maybe and BRING CHRISTMAS PRESENT
5. Do laundry for all clothes I want to take back to the Slope
6. Ask parentals for money


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