Monday 21 February 2011


this weekend's been a weird one. I woke up on Saturday morning and there were two Austrians sleeping in my bed, a Christmas tree in the hallway and three people in my kitchen making curry who hadn't slept all night - Henry then realised that nobody really wants curry at 10am, but it was okay cause Cat visited and we had it for lunch anyway.

Jordan got mega angry and threw the Christmas tree out of our flat but there's still a fair amount of soil about the place; and NOBODY knows where it came from 0.o
errr the Austrians also buggered off but we have two Polish guys coming to stay tomorrow night, whey. This is because Holly's a part of this ----> It's pretty cool; slightly unconventional as we don't actually HAVE a couch, but there's usually a spare bed/ floor for them so it's all fine and gravy.

Then today Triston and I went on a walk in the countryside which ended up with us vaguely trapped in a field full of bulls, but it's okay cause we hastily clambered over some barbed wire and ting.

Got a lecture tomorrow on The Waste Land which i'm quite looking forward to, and coming home on Friday for the weekend yay.

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