Monday 1 August 2011

they say 'my God is a good God and he cares'

Warning: this post is massively honest. I doubt my parents are here but if you are, I implore you not to read this.

Okay, here goes.

Things I Have Done In My First Year At University: 

1. Had sex with a man
2. Had a one night stand with a semi famous person
3. Had sex on a beach
4. Given head
5. Had cunnilingus from a man
6. Had sex outdoors
7. Had anal sex
8. Touched myself in front of a man
9. Watched a man jerk off
10. Had ketamine
11. K holed
12. Had mdma
13. Had ecstacy
14. Had cocaine
15. Had 2CB
16. Had TFMPP
17. Snorted a mystery power
18. Went to a fancy dress party dressed as milk
19. Been extremely stoned
20. Had my appendix taken out
21. Gone on the Pill
22. Had cystitis - a lot
23. Got so drunk i've had to be put to bed
24. Played Burnout 3... a lot
25. Been clubbing and actually enjoyed it
26. Been to lectures
27. Skipped lectures
28. Got my tongue pierced
29. Got my anti tragus pierced
30. Got my lip pierced
31. Left an exam an hour early
32. Got bitten by a horse
33. Spent £100 on underwear in one go
34. Bought a metal snorter
35. Lived away from home
36. Had people hear me having sex
37. Had laughing gas
38. Hallucinated whilst on drugs
39. Been sexually harassed on a train
40. Smoked a lot
41. Went to a fancy dress party as Edward Scissorhands
42. Had a pregnancy scare
43. Taken the morning after pill
44. Watched a DJ perform in a club who i'm friends with
45. Been in love with a boy
46. Overdosed on paracetamol and ibuprofen
47. Got fingered in a club
48. Went to a major political protest
49. Sneaked alcohol into a club
50. Taken drugs on a bus
51. Been to Leicester
52. Got stoned on a beach
53. Read lots of new books
54. Watched lots of new films
55. Been introduced to lots of new music
56. Had my boobs named
57. Had sex in the shower
58. Been trapped in a field full of bulls
59. Not come home till 9 in the morning
60. Got kicked out of a club
61. Tried and failed to learn how to cook
62. Had sex in a stranger's house
63. Felt like I had a sense of purpose
64. Felt like I had no purpose at all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, so funny and honest and I'm slightly jealous. If I spot you in town I'll give you a knowing smile!
