Sunday 20 September 2009

underneath it all, there's just a fire waiting for fuel.

I want somebody who sees the pointlessness
and still keeps their purpose in mind
I want somebody who has a tortured soul
some of the time
I want somebody who will either put out for me
or put me out of misery
or maybe just put it all to words
and make me say, you know
I never heard it put that way
make me say, what did you just say?
I want somebody who can hold my interest
hold it and never let it fall
someone who can flatten me with a kiss
that hits like a fist
or a sentence that stops me like a brick wall
because if you hear me talking
listen to what I'm not saying
if you hear me playing guitar
listen to what I'm not playing
and don't ask me to put words
to all the spaces between notes
in fact if you have to ask, forget it
do and you'll regret it
I'm tired of being the interesting one
I'm tired of heving fun for two
just lay yourself on the line
and I might lay myself down by you
but don't sit behind your eyes
and wait for me to surprise you
I want somebody who can make me
scream until it's funny
give me a run for my money
I want someone who can
twist me up in knots
tell me, for the woman who has everything
what have you got?
I want someone who's not afraid of me
or anyone else
in other words I want someone
who's not afraid of themself

do you think I'm asking too much?

Tuesday 15 September 2009

what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is.

so today was interesting. went up to London on my own and got quite lost which was strangely exhilirating. went to the University of London exhibit, picked up some pamphlets and talked to a nice lady. then i had a few hours to kill so i jumped on the Picadilly line and headed up to where i used to live.
it was further away than i remembered and i ended up walking a lot which was okay, it was kinda surreal. my house and the area outside and the park seemed pretty much the same except a lot smaller, like everything had shrunk but i guess it's just cause i was smaller then.
the only let down was they've completely re-done the playground that i used to go to all the time as a child; NO space rocket, NO helter skelter slides and the swings are all different and shit :(

sad times.
i'm pretty happy though cause it rained a lot today & i like heavy rain, and i feel like i've travelled A LOT which is nice cause i like travelling too. i went from Ascot to Waterloo, Waterloo to Goodge Stret, Goodge Street to Leicester Square, Leicester Square to Oakwood, Oakwood to Kings Cross, Kings Cross to Oxford Circus, Oxford Circus to Waterloo, Waterloo to Ascot :).

Sunday 13 September 2009

i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now.

i love:
1) my crazy mother
2) my crazy kitties (best friend & pet)
3) my crazy sister
4) my crazily unreliable & rickety but beautiful car
5) my crazy curly hair
6) crazy horror films
7) crazy food (tangy cheese doritos, RAINBOW NERDS, pineapples etc.. THAT'S CRAZY SHIT!)
8) crazy festivals
9) vaguely crazy people at school (are those headache sausages?!!)
10) crazy clothes - i REALLY want a bunny suit :(

Friday 11 September 2009

Sunday 6 September 2009

you know that i could use somebody like you.

i love how accurate these things are sometimes.

- creative
- imaginative
- ingenious
- honest
- sensitive
- faithful
- sincere
- peaceful
- adaptable
- independent
- gentle
- easy going

- eccentric
- illogical
- vulnerable
- irresponsible
- irrational
- naive
- unsatisfied
- disorganized
- impulsive
- lazy
- gullible
- indulgent
- careless
- anxious
- impractical

'Goat and monkey will never be bored together. With monkey's quick wits and goat's imagination there will always be plenty to do and they can be great friends. As lovers, monkeys may not be able to provide the constant reassurances that goats need.'

bah, that's quite true in a way.

Saturday 5 September 2009

well i'm finding it harder to be a gentleman every day.

i do like people from school in a way, i think i give them too much stick sometimes.

went out for dinner with lotsa people from school & it was propa nice, yeahhhh i'm too mean about them a lot of the time and they're a bit of alreet =).

Friday 4 September 2009

christ ma, ya on uppers?

shitting bollocks this film made me CRY. not titanic crying, not eternal sunshine crying, not even MUFASA DYING crying... i think i've broken a record. it's also put me off drugs for life, which can only be a good thing.

you don't know what love is (you just do as you're told).

she's in love with the world
but sometimes these feelings can be so misleading
she turns and says "are you alright?"
I said "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating".

my mum thinks i have laryngitis, however she's still letting me go out tonight. HOORAY for rubbish parents =)

Thursday 3 September 2009

that's why a bear can rest at ease with just the bare necessities of life =)

all the soldiers say it'll be alright.


hahahahahaha oh god why is everything so amusing all of a sudden?!!!

Molly India says:
but please dont fall in love with bucket vag
Molly India says:
she has a bucket vag!
Molly India says:
it will be like the grand canyon by the time shes 30!

Jess. says:
my friend made me laugh so much i shot boiling coffee out of my nose
Jess. says:
then my nan caused me to pour boiling water down my arm
Jess. says:
lovely stuff really
sophie - and you feel hopeless and homeless and lost in the haze of the wine. says:
sophie - and you feel hopeless and homeless and lost in the haze of the wine. says:
sorry i should really be sympathetic

^ please download this, my cousin John (or JMAC!) made it and i don't think i've ever been so proud of a family member, ever.

everybody knows you can't break me with your gutter prose.

From the balcony you call my name
I see you standing in the rain
Your words so dry, your face so wet
Said I broke your heart but it hasn't happened yet
I'll bet your friends all hate me now
I get the strangest looks from that bitchy crowd
And though they must think
They have every reason to
I guess I'm still not quite yet over you.

is it just me or is everything a bit odd right now? i'm not complaining, although i wish i was healthy enough to enjoy the oddness.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

i don't do anything anymore, I just count these ceiling tiles falling through my floor.

All these nights I burnt, hours I turned
You think that by now I'd learnt
That you're only what you pretend to be
I guess that was just lost on me.

the last couple of days have been pretty mint; i'm slowly but surely recovering... my throat is still hoarse and sore & i have a delightful phloegmy cough, but everything else is all gravy.

Tuesday 1 September 2009





when i got home i slept from 4:30pm to 7:30am, fun times :)