Thursday 11 March 2010

up in my lonely room where i'm dreaming of you, oh what can i do? i still need you girl.

so module results today; i got a C in geography which is basically a bit shit cause i need an A to get into Sussex which is where i majorly want to go. my mother was oh so supportive and helpful as usual.

Me: mum, i'm worried i'm not going to get into university.
Mum: well you see, i don't really know what the appropriate maternal response is here. i could tell you that it's all going to be fine and you'll get the grades, but i don't know if you will so that'd be lying. i could tell you that you can always take a gap year and re-apply and it doesn't really matter, but it does matter so i'd also be lying. so i'm going to be honest - i'm fucking shitting myself for you.
Me: ... ta.
Mum: more wine?

i'm not quite sure people really understand/appreciate my mother at her best, so i've provided some visual aids:

this is my aunt Dibs, my sister, me and my mumma (just LOOK at her xD) when we went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show and my mum insisted that everyone dressed up for it... nobody else was.

mum back when she was cool ish.. i rly wish she had kept that t-shirt so i could sneakily steal it.

oh madre.

1 comment:

  1. i love how unimpressed your cat looks when you guys are dressed up
