Wednesday 26 May 2010

you know i'd like to keep my cheeks dry today

1. I now only have two days left of school, ever.
2. I'm super excited about muck up day on Friday; it's cowboys and indians themed and we're going to have bales of hay on the field and a huge totem pole in the hall and loads of posters everywhere saying things like WELCOME TO THE DEEP SOUTH and GO WHERE THE WIND TAKES YOU and THIS TOWN AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US and cowboy hats on all the Mary statues and a huge sign saying BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN replacig the Marist school sign :D. and we're covering an entire corridor in aluminium foil just for the hell of it, and we're going to have HOEDOWNS randomly in the middle of the day and cowboy fights and stuff. i'm a red indian and i made a super duper feathery headress today.
3. I spent most of the day today sitting in the canteen painting signs for afore mentioned muck up day - it was relaxing and chill.
4. my hair is looking good
5. I found a fiver last night which literally NEVER happens to me
6. did i mention i only have two days of school left ever?

I know i'm young but if i had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.

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