Sunday 27 February 2011

dreams can come true - look at me babe, i'm with you

1. I was in a small room with Doig, Charlie, Triston and Holly. There were big windows which were open and I was spooning Doig for a bit and then I sat in an armchair and all these pigeons kept flying into the room and wouldn't fly out again. One of them landed at the head of my armchair and I was worried it would shit on my head but it didn't; I was reading a book also which I think was about birds.

2. I then dreamt that I woke up and wrote this all down in my diary.

3. I was at school and one of the male teachers murdered a girl and was trying to cover it up. I can't remember if I was a friend of the murdered girl or the murderer... I wasn't the murdered girl though.

4. I was at Brighton station and all my thoughts were appearing on an electronic advertising thing above a random food stall.

5. I was in some sort of film or video game where people were trying to kill me, there was some swimming in the ocean and a guy on my side who had a chart with my A level results on to show the bad guys to try and scare them off.

6. I was in a house with some friends smoking out of a window although I wasn't meant to, and the Indian father saw me from the garden but just told me to get rid of the ash. Then I was hungry and wanted granola with natural yoghurt and all my friends wanted sausages.

7. (this may be a continuation of the last dream cause I was trying to find a supermarket, but I'm not sure). I was in Jeff driving to Windsor but I had to go some weird way and ended up on the M4 to London (which doesn't even make sense), then I wasn't in a car any more but in a lift and I still had to try and get to Windsor but it was hard and there were people dressed up as pigs.

8. Eddy proposed to Alice and she said yes; a guy called John tried to propose to her at the same time but she chose Eddy which I was mega happy about... except in this dream Eddy looked like Ed from Flat 40 at uni and Alice looked like Kat from Eastenders.

9. I had a baby and I think this must've been set in the future cause I wasn't at uni or worried or anything, I was just walking around a shopping centre carrying this beautiful smiling baby boy with a red hat on who was all soft and warm and smelt amazing (this was a mega good dream)

10. I was at a party with straightened hair and blue contact lenses in. There was a middle aged dark haired woman there who nobody knew or knew where she came from. At the end I remembered that I had to go to this place to get a piercing and this woman said she knew the way and that she would take me. We got on a Lemon bus and it got dark before we got off and she lead me down a dark wooded path and then down to a white basement of a building where there was some guy there too. Then she mentioned something about me looking better with brown eyes, so I asked how she knew my eyes were brown naturally because I had never met her before. She said she had been stalking me for weeks because it was her mission to kill me.  I turned and ran out of the basement and up the stairs but I tripped, and she caught up with me and I think stabbed me in the back. Then there's a bit I don't really remember with lots of running and stabbing each other; the last part of my dream switched perspective and I was watching it like a film rather than being in it. A random girl was walking down a street, went into her house and started pulling at her face. Her whole face comes off like a mask to reveal me underneath, and then I realise that I'm living in hiding from this woman by disguising myself during the day and only taking off the mask at home... then I woke up.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Monday 21 February 2011


this weekend's been a weird one. I woke up on Saturday morning and there were two Austrians sleeping in my bed, a Christmas tree in the hallway and three people in my kitchen making curry who hadn't slept all night - Henry then realised that nobody really wants curry at 10am, but it was okay cause Cat visited and we had it for lunch anyway.

Jordan got mega angry and threw the Christmas tree out of our flat but there's still a fair amount of soil about the place; and NOBODY knows where it came from 0.o
errr the Austrians also buggered off but we have two Polish guys coming to stay tomorrow night, whey. This is because Holly's a part of this ----> It's pretty cool; slightly unconventional as we don't actually HAVE a couch, but there's usually a spare bed/ floor for them so it's all fine and gravy.

Then today Triston and I went on a walk in the countryside which ended up with us vaguely trapped in a field full of bulls, but it's okay cause we hastily clambered over some barbed wire and ting.

Got a lecture tomorrow on The Waste Land which i'm quite looking forward to, and coming home on Friday for the weekend yay.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

is there anything i can do about anything at all?

A few Postsecrets that hit a bit too close to home (the best kind):

Wednesday 9 February 2011

as i fail miserably trying to get the girl all the bad guys want

I had a really horrible nightmare last night; I was in a small dark house with a really abusive man. I switched between various members of his family but they were all as bad as each other - first I was his son and I got beaten up, then I was his wife and I got raped, and then I was his daughter and finally managed to run away and lock myself in a room. He was just breaking through the door when I woke up. Bad times.

On the plus side, today was well good. I got my anti tragus pierced which hurt like a motherfucker but looks pretty funky and bought a lot of stuff on my gay best friend date with Charlie:

1. A HUGE fur coat
2. A David Bowie t-shirt
3. A jumper with a comic strip on it where a guy goes THINK OF IT ELLEN... A WORLD FULL OF WEIRDOS! and the girl goes THAT WOULD BE WONDERFUL..
4. A blue jewelled incense burner and some apple flavoured incense
5. Gin and tonic water
6. A sneaky Valentine's surprise for Triston

yus, now even though it's midnight and i have a 9am workshop tomorrow (which i'm very unlikely to go to as i've never made it before, i seem incapable of getting up before 1pm nowadays), i'm going to start drinking :)

Saturday 5 February 2011

Thursday 3 February 2011

I just found loads of these on my computer, I'll probably upload them all at some point but this is one of my favourites.

there is a fire that never goes out


1. new sexy indie cardigan
2. (500) Days Of Weezy album
3. old school Monster Munch
4. free Fridays (no lectures whey)
5. cheeky bottle of Amaretto
6. found my iPod charger


1. lost my headphones
2. PMSing like a motherfucker
3. missed a seminar and a workshop today oops
4. various family concerns
5. still have a vague phloegm problem