Wednesday 2 March 2011

I'm six feet under the Bodhi tree with my crap new age philosophy

Home was fun times; Friday night went to a splendid house party of Cat's and spent the day with her on Saturday. Had Sunday lunch with the fam and then dinner and cinema with Sarah and Rosie, and lunch with Katy on Monday before heading back to Brighton :)

I feel like I'm not really doing a degree right now - I missed a lecture on Monday cause I came back too late, my seminar was cancelled yesterday and I have a day off today. Tomorrow I have a workshop at 9am which I never go to (i'm incapable of getting up before midday nowadays) and a seminar from 2-4pm which I probably will go to, and then I also have Fridays off... so I'm basically going to one thing this week, what?!

I'm not really complaining though, it leaves more room for FUN TIMES. An example of this; a couple of nights ago we had a YAY ALIA'S NOT PREGNANT  party which involved everyone dressing up as reasons why you wouldn't be pregnant - delights included Charlie as a used tampon, Alia as a condom, Dan as an abortion doctor (complete with bloody coat hanger), Will as the contraceptive coil and Holly simply wearing a big sign that said I MASTURBATE A LOT INSTEAD. There were also a lot of gays and dykes. Triston and I were going to as a raging lesbian couple, but after the hilarity of the costumes died down we decided to eat a lot of pie and have sex instead. Again, definitely not complaining.

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