so today i didn't go to school, instead i:
1) took my driving theory test and PASSED despite the fact i didn't understand what the secretary was telling me to do and had a really loud breathing lady next to me ;)
2) exchanged polite conversation with a group of indians at Staines station.
3) walked at least 4 and a half miles (literally, i worked it out).
4) felt immensely underdressed and tramp-like at Ascot station... twice.
5) had to walk for like a mile with Peter Wheatley and his super sexy friends, including a really chubby boy who kept trying to hug me (it was riveting).
i SWEAR my parents think i've left home. my dad's gone to Switzerland this morning for like 5 days and nobody even bothered telling me.. and my mumma's dancing some African dance at some community centre somewhere tonight; she just phoned.
mumma: hello darling, why are you at home?
me: er, because i live here?
mumma: oh, oh right yes.. well um, i'm out african dancing tonight so er, get yourself some food.
me: but mum, there's nothing in the house except wine and houmus...
mumma: okay sweetie bye!
hahahahaha i love my life sometimes (but really not).

hahaha wow!!! thats amazing