Thursday 9 December 2010

my heart's got a tricky valve that beats for nobody but you

I've decided to try and keep up this blog more regularly; I'm pretty much home for Christmas now and my creative outlet has waned somewhat since going to Uni. Wishlist maybe? I haven't done one in ages after all:

1. Triston in my bed for a long time
2. To be better so that I can get up and about and drive around and be merry again
3. Normal hair again (right now it looks about half the length it actually is, because it's all stuck up and matted and I have what looks suspiciously like a dread at the back)
4. A McChicken sandwich, chips and two pints of Coke - yes, two
5. My purse; I left it in Brighton so I can't do Christmas shopping or Internet shopping or go to the pub/ buy alcohol or cigarettes or do anything remotely fun
6. New clothes - two pairs of jeans and three dresses would be beautiful

um, that's about it really.

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