Sunday 25 December 2011

you scumbag you maggot you cheap lousy faggot


too early for wine? NEVER!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Monday 5 December 2011

Thursday 1 December 2011

you're not from brighton


Sunday 20 November 2011

i'll be holding all the tickets and you'll be owing all the fines

Things I have done recently which have been fun:
1. Went to see Benjamin Francis Leftwich
2. Went to see Patrick Wolf
3. Went to see Laugh or the Polar Bear gets it (with Tim Minchin and Greg Davies amongst other wonderful people)

Things I am doing in the near future to look forward to:
1. going home the friday before my birthday for dinner and treats
2. going to Charlie's first ever gig in Brighton the saturday before my birthday
3. going to London with tristy for a BURFDAY SURPRISE the sunday before my birthday
4. having a boozy food and cocktail gathering at mine on my birthday
5. going to see Fatboy Slim two days after my birthday :D
6. christmassy nice
7. going to France for new year with my parents and tristy baby
8. going to see Ani Difranco in january

ALL the things!

Saturday 12 November 2011

gold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth

life has been treating me pretty nicely lately (aside from this morning where I managed to singe my hair whilst lighting a cigarette off the hob - now that bit of my hair really smells, stupid sophie), things with Triston are pretty much faultless although I'm slightly worried that I'm becoming somewhat obsessed - he's home for the weekend right now and I miss him stupid amounts, I hardly got any sleep last night because I was so unused to him not being in bed with me. It makes me feel pretty lame but at the same time I know how lucky I am to have something like this.
Course is pretty fun, although I am definitely foresaking two of my modules for my favourite one which maybe isn't the best thing to do but eh. The Art of Short Fiction really is not even comparable to the other two in terms of content, exciting assessments and actual enjoyment. For my 3500 word creative writing piece (due at the end of term) i'm writing a series of dramatic monologues about my dad's side of the family - with my grandad being in a prisoner of war camp in Hong Kong for 4 years, my grandma fleeing from the brutal Chinese communist revolution and my dad having a bizarre and ultimately dreadful childhood, i've got a lot to work with and it's so bloody fascinating.
So really the only snag right now is my fucking evil housemate - I don't even really want to go into right now because it angers and upsets me, but suffice to say that I never thought there were genuinely bad people in the world until I realised what she's capable of. I know that she's definitely moving out by Christmas, but that still leaves 5 weeks of supreme unfun-ness.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

i'm looking at you through the glass, don't know how much time has passed.

So I'm on my period for the first time in seven months and I want to bludgeon everything in sight to death.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Went to see this guy last night at Komedia with Cat, beautiful night :)

Friday 21 October 2011

my eyes were dark till you woke me.

1. Got the implant two days ago; the nurse assured me it would be all fine and dandy but it aches like a bitch
2. Got a pretty bad cold, but it's quite nice in that it's made me feel detached from reality
3. Benjamin Francis Leftwich on Monday!
4. i'm wearing my t shirt of irony - 'put down the drugs and give jesus a hug!' - which makes everything better
5. if anyone has a couple of grand to spare, please buy me everything on this website:

Monday 17 October 2011

yeah I feel so good when I know you're skanking with me

I'm in such a good place right now :) course is mega fun and engaging; gave in a fairly good piece of creative writing in my Art of Short Fiction seminar on Tuesday and braved giving the first presentation in my Tragedy seminar on Thursday. Nights out have been beautiful, as have things with my sexy man and house mates (bar Eleanor, but she's been pretty much keeping to herself).

Wednesday 5 October 2011

come on skinny love, let me in

My temper has been so up and down over the past few days; I'm kind of hoping it's an extended come down from the crazy rave extravaganza on Friday night, because if it's not then I don't know when I'm going to be happy and stable again.

Friday 23 September 2011

every rose has it's thorn, just like every night has it's dawn

House is lovely, friends are lovely, Brighton is incredible. Despite losing my purse the day I moved in and so not having ANY cash, any way to access cash or any form of I.D for 5 days (until it got handed in to the security office on campus with everything in it down to the couple of quid's change - this is why I love the people round these parts) I still had a pretty amazing time which I think is a testament to just how much I love Brighton.
Wednesday night - went to an open mic night at The Druids Head in the south lanes where Charlie and Holly both played and were incredible. Went back to the Big House (where Charlie, Holly, Alia, Ruth, Pike, Edd and Lizzy live) for nice drinky and chatty times.
Thursday - Zipped about in Jeff, moving some of Holly's stuff from Jack Lloyd's old house to the Big House. stayed in in the evening and drank lambrini out of champagne flutes, ate leftover chinese and watched lots of True Blood :)
Friday - Doig's dad took us out for drinks and dinner and my god did I get battered as fuck... three glasses of champagne, a rum and coke, a glass of white wine, a blue lagoon cocktail, a few glugs of a bottle of rose wine i found on the pavement and around 10-15 jaegerbombs. enough said.
Saturday - hangingggg like a bad man, still went to Doig's big birthday party at the Big House which was packed and mental. tactically chundered twice but kept on drinking till around 3/4am, felt pretty hardcore.
Sunday - Stayed at Big House most of the day being dead; ate cheese on toast and watched Withnail & I followed by Beauty and The Beast. Went to campus and picked up my purse (yay), dinner and more True Blood and sex and lots of sleeps.
Monday & Tuesday - eating, fucking, sleeping, drinking (not necessarily in that order)
Wednesday - Becky and Matt move in! Also went into town, picked up my new debit card, went to Big House, la la la
Thursday - sunny bbq at ours with various people, then into town for another open mic night at the Medusa bar near Churchill Square which Charlie played at and got THREE encores cause he was incredible! Despite slight incident involving pills for 30p and a potential rapist it was a beautiful night :)

And today i'm driving home to go into London for dinner with my parents and sister for my mum's birthday, then tomorrow I was supposed to be moving Cat into Sussex but alas my poor baby is sicky :( Still going to visit and bring treats and love.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

now i've been sitting on this abandoned beach for years

Moving house tomorrow, very very excite! Spent the last couple of days clearing out my room, packing and saying goodbye to some friendly faces before I go. Good grief I'm SO eager; I think that in a way going back to university after a year is even better than leaving for university for the first time. I'm just as excited, but also more secure in the knowledge that I have friends, a lovely house and a boyfriend waiting for me there :)

Sunday 4 September 2011

come on Abel, are you going to skin me?

Life over the past couple of weeks has been some of the funnest fun I ever did fun. Firstly there was Shambala which was full of good friends, good drugs, good vibes, good sex and great music - an incredible weekend which could have only possibly been made that tiny bit better by less rain and the presence of Kitty.

Then my sxc bby boi came back with me to sexy Ascot and stayed for a sexy week involving, well, lots of sex and food. He left about an hour ago, and tomorrow morning at around 5am I'm flying to France for a riveting week of trying to read everything I was supposed to have read over the summer (approximately 10 plays, 11 novels, 5 self help books about writing fiction and 1 opera) and being lovingly patronised and nagged by my parents. Wonderful - but as I'm still swimming in the incredible surreality that is/ was this summer, I don't really mind :)

Tuesday 23 August 2011

I felt you in my legs before I ever met you.

Things I am afraid of 

1. Death in various forms, but mainly including:
- drowning in a submarine
- killed by a shark
- murdered brutally
2. Somebody I love dying, like mum or dad or alice or aunty dibs or cat or katy or triston.
3. Losing a limb.
4. Going deaf or blind or dumb.
5. Getting stuck somewhere small where nobody can hear me like in a lift alone or a toilet cubicle.
6. Big insects, mainly spiders
7. Large fish and other sea creatures
8. Going crazy early on in life
9. Becoming addicted to something.
10. War
11. Being infertile
12. My diaries getting destroyed
13. Being friendless and alone
14. Living somewhere where I don't feel safe; actually just generally feeling unsafe.
15. Losing all faith and motivation for anything and becoming a recluse
16. Breaking up with Triston
17. Never being able to go to all the places I want to go to
18. Japanese horror films
19. Ghosts and ghost stories
20. The idea of Hell and the Devil
21. Unpleasant revelations.

Thursday 18 August 2011

change your heart - it will astound you


1. Cat's coming to Sussex in September
2. The money from the sale of my Reading festival ticket has finally become available so I am no longer massively broke
3. Triston's coming to stay on Tuesday
4. Cat's coming to Sussex in September
5. Shambala next week
6. Cat's coming to Sussex in September
7. Cat's coming to Sussex in September
8. Cat's coming to Sussex in September

Saturday 13 August 2011

my heart's got a tricky valve that beats for nobody but you

'Life is GOOD; everyone just overreacts, even me.'

This is something I need to remember more. Been feeling a bit rubbish and sorry for myself because I've been ill and had to come home from Leicester early, but I need to man up and realise that this summer has been pretty fucking wicked so far. I've been to two incredible festivals, been up to Leicester to see my sexy boy twice, been to Brighton and spent time on the beach with some amazing uni friends which I didn't really think I'd see at all over the summer, had some lovely times with old friends from school and even lovelier times with Kitty especially when she came to stay for the last week of term, AND I've still got another festival to look forward to as well as Triston coming to stay and moving into a beautiful new house in September.
Seriously Sophie, cheer the fuck up. 


Monday 1 August 2011

they say 'my God is a good God and he cares'

Warning: this post is massively honest. I doubt my parents are here but if you are, I implore you not to read this.

Okay, here goes.

Things I Have Done In My First Year At University: 

1. Had sex with a man
2. Had a one night stand with a semi famous person
3. Had sex on a beach
4. Given head
5. Had cunnilingus from a man
6. Had sex outdoors
7. Had anal sex
8. Touched myself in front of a man
9. Watched a man jerk off
10. Had ketamine
11. K holed
12. Had mdma
13. Had ecstacy
14. Had cocaine
15. Had 2CB
16. Had TFMPP
17. Snorted a mystery power
18. Went to a fancy dress party dressed as milk
19. Been extremely stoned
20. Had my appendix taken out
21. Gone on the Pill
22. Had cystitis - a lot
23. Got so drunk i've had to be put to bed
24. Played Burnout 3... a lot
25. Been clubbing and actually enjoyed it
26. Been to lectures
27. Skipped lectures
28. Got my tongue pierced
29. Got my anti tragus pierced
30. Got my lip pierced
31. Left an exam an hour early
32. Got bitten by a horse
33. Spent £100 on underwear in one go
34. Bought a metal snorter
35. Lived away from home
36. Had people hear me having sex
37. Had laughing gas
38. Hallucinated whilst on drugs
39. Been sexually harassed on a train
40. Smoked a lot
41. Went to a fancy dress party as Edward Scissorhands
42. Had a pregnancy scare
43. Taken the morning after pill
44. Watched a DJ perform in a club who i'm friends with
45. Been in love with a boy
46. Overdosed on paracetamol and ibuprofen
47. Got fingered in a club
48. Went to a major political protest
49. Sneaked alcohol into a club
50. Taken drugs on a bus
51. Been to Leicester
52. Got stoned on a beach
53. Read lots of new books
54. Watched lots of new films
55. Been introduced to lots of new music
56. Had my boobs named
57. Had sex in the shower
58. Been trapped in a field full of bulls
59. Not come home till 9 in the morning
60. Got kicked out of a club
61. Tried and failed to learn how to cook
62. Had sex in a stranger's house
63. Felt like I had a sense of purpose
64. Felt like I had no purpose at all.

damn you insomnia

Tuesday 26 July 2011

What if I fall and hurt myself, would you know how to fix me?
What if I went and lost myself, would you know where to find me?
If I forgot who I am, would you please remind me
Oh, cause without you things go hazy.

Normally I find lyrics like this pretty cheesy and dull, but they're so achingly relevant when put in the right context of my recent unstable state of mind and Triston's comforting involvement that I can't even listen to this song all the way through without shedding a tear.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Monday 18 July 2011

i love you too much to leave, don't like you enough to stay

So 2000 Trees was pretty bloody good; back in Ascot recovering before heading off to Leicester on Wednesday which i'm indescribably excited about!

Thursday 14 July 2011

you are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins.

Going to 2000 Trees festival tomorrow eeeeeeeee!! I'm suddenly very excited, mainly to see these guys but for the whole shenanigan in general:

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Tuesday 12 July 2011

So I dyed my hair red today, and it was possibly the most positive hair colouring experience I've ever had... as much as I love Cat and Katy and Sarah and my sister and anyone else who has ever dyed my hair, it was so much more comforting doing it myself and knowing exactly how much I was applying and where, etc. I bleached it first using peroxide creme (you can get ones with varying percentages of hydrogen peroxide in them, but the guy in Sally's said that any will do the job so I got the lowest one - so as not to completely destroy my hair - which was 6%) mixed with blue powdered bleach. I bleached my roots first but my whole head was still pretty uneven so I bleached my whole hair again, then dyed it with Live Colour XXL in Red passion. Resultssss:

sexy bag on my head after bleaching for the 1st time

result after first bleaching... bit patchy

after first bleaching

after second bleaching, WOW YELLOW!
after the whole bottle had been applied

yeahhhh so it was really messy...
Just after the dye had been rinsed out :) 
final result! well still a bit damp but y'know

they don't love you like I love you

So I definitely didn't spend £35 on hair products today...

2 packets of XXL Live red hair dye (red passion)
John Frieda shampoo and conditioner for red hair
1 litre of creme peroxide
1 sachet of powdered bleach
1 bottle of Osmo intensive deep repair hair treatment
1 sachet of ion reconstructor treatment

ahhh wish me luck! i've got the bleach on my roots as we speak... (only bleaching my roots because they're darker than the tips, and the tips are already pretty blonde)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

home is when i'm alone with you

I think that one of the most significant things I learnt this year is that 'Torn' by Natalie Imbruglia is not an original; it's a cover by a band called Ednaswap - they were both released at roughly the same time and it was the Imbruglia version that became famous. I think it might be just because I've always been a massive fan of the song and assumed it was an original that it's BLOWN MY MIND.

Anyway, the original is better (in my opinion) - it has a lot more feeling.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

when paper meets the ink, over thinking is the chink in my armour

Drove to Brighton pretty spur of the moment yesterday morning and it was the best decision EVER. Got to Jordann, Loxham and Pom's new house right next to Sainsburys which is where Triston is staying right now, had a cup of tea and a fag and a catch up. Then Triston and I walked into town where we bought some food, ciders and beers and sat on the beach where it was stupidly lovely weather. Later on Holly, Richie, Pike, Eric, Emily B and her boyfriend, Will and Christie joined us and it was so nice because I had no idea there were still that many people in Brighton. I went swimming in the sea in my underwear with Holly and it was SO liberating and lovely.

In the evening Triston and I stayed in with Loxham and Jordann and drank a lot and played video games, and then had quiet sneaky sex on the blow up mattress on their living room (shh Laura Ellis, I definitely NEVER mention sex in my blog!).

Sunday 3 July 2011

I won't be left dancing alone to songs from the past.

So I've been back in Ascot for two and a half days and I'm already ridiculously homesick for Brighton and Sussex campus and East Slope :(

Only two and a half months to go, oh yay. On the plus side I am going to loads of festivals and hopefully becoming an event steward which means I can go to even more festivals and stuff. But still, no drugs or sex or the beautiful beautiful town of Brighton or flat parties or sitting on the beach all day or spending hours talking with random groups of friends or sitting in Doig's room watching crap telly or smoking lots or getting messy and dancing the night away or strangers' house parties in town or... you get the idea.

Friday 24 June 2011

oh i'm hoping you'll understand, and not let go of my hand

Today I woke up at 10:30, threw on some clothes and walked to Library Square where I met Triston who had just come out of an exam - we had a cigarette and waited until Eleanor turned up and then we walked to our new house in Coldean which took about half an hour. I was very very excited to see the house and it didn't disappoint; decent sized bedrooms, squishy sofas, nice garden, etc. Walked back, met Charlie at the bus stop and went straight into town. Bought a load of random crap I didn't need like some more nail varnish and a pretty notebook and a pen (actually I kind of needed the pen) and a Nandos meal (extra hot chicken pitta, chips and coleslaw, can't go wrong). I also got my lip pierced, and I was weirdly more nervous about it than I've ever been about any piercing before - probably because it really was an impulse decision and because I anticipated a lot of pain (which I was kind of right about, still not as bad as my anti tragus though). then I realised that Triston would probably be kinda angry cause I hadn't told him beforehand and cause he really wants a lip piercing and cause he's always said that one wouldn't suit me, so I went to Ann Summers and bought some sexy underwear with which to reconcile with him.

Errr then I came home and partook in some illegal activity and then realised I have an exam tomorrow at 9:30am so I read the rest of The Great Gatsby which I'm being examined on and had a nap and now I'm in a public computer room on campus eating a tuna sandwich with some difficulty because of aforementioned lip piercing.

I'm also being examined on this guy tomorrow which is quite nice because I love love love love him.


Have you forgotten what we were like then
when we were still first rate
and the day came fat with an apple in its mouth

it's no use worrying about Time
but we did have a few tricks up our sleeves
and turned some sharp corners

the whole pasture looked like our meal
we didn't need speedometers
we could manage cocktails out of ice and water

I wouldn't want to be faster
or greener than now if you were with me O you
were the best of all my days
- Frank O Hara

Wednesday 22 June 2011

she looks like the real thing, she tastes like the real thing

One more exam to go, one more exam to go, one more exam to go. Then Cat and end of term parties and frolicking and lovely lovely Brighton all to myself. YAY. I'm well into Radiohead right now.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

i'm coming up only to hold you under

I want more soul making moments in life, like when a group of us were sitting on Charlie's bed and spontaneously started singing Animal by Miike Snow or when I had that long catch up with Alex Kirkham or when I saw a man die in a Hungarian tube station or when I drive Cat and her friends to college or when I eat food in public and then spit it out laughing or when food doesn't mean that much to me (which only happens very occasionally like when I'm on amphetamines or when I get jealous) or when I'm at a festival or when Triston tells me beautiful incredible things about life and love without even realising it or when I get drunk with my family or when I get nauseous because I'm so angry or yesterday when I found out that both of my great grandmothers committed suicide by sticking their heads in gas ovens.
I also found out that I'm one sixteenth Jewish, so that's nice I suppose. It's incredible how much of the time I feel like I don't know what's going on, or who I really am or what I'm doing in life - and I think the more of these moments the better because they make me feel more real and more wanted and more living.

Thursday 26 May 2011

stop your messin' around

Hi i'm Sophie and I do stupid things like get bitten by horses

and buy useless but mildly amusing things like this

Sunday 22 May 2011

i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn.

i'm very naive, that's all i have to say right now.

Friday 20 May 2011

I buried a bone 
and darling you don't know him
darling you don't know him
darling you don't know

and just where you are
might be the right place
might be that sweet space
but you don't know

well look me in the head
I've got nothing on my mind
I've been waiting for you 
all this time

and I'd seen a path turn to an old road
but the secret's too slow
and we're too fast

look me in the mouth
I've got nothing in my smile
I've been waiting for you
you're just my style

look me in the gut
I've got fear from my own name
I'd dig it up for you 
if you'd do the same

Monday 16 May 2011

you should go home before your money's all gone

:) yeahhh so at this rate it looks like i'll be handing in my portfolio 24 hours late, i'll just have to deal with the 5% cut off my mark. I've always handed in everything else on time and been getting 2:1s so i'm not particularly anxious.

today i'm going to smoke and read Everything is Illuminated for the umpteemth time and write stuff. 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Things I have done today instead of writing the 3000 word portfolio that is due in on Wednesday:

1. Slept till 3pm
2. Had sex
3. Sat in Charlie's room with a load of people
4. Went to East Slope bar and had a roast
5. Sat in Charlie's room with a load of people
6. Sat in Charlie's room with a load of people
7. Sat in Charlie's room with a load of people
8. Went to shop with Alia, bought stuff
9. Cooked and ate stuff
10. Watched half an episode of Psychoville till Box of Broadcasts crashed
11. Smoked a cigarette

... oh dear.

Saturday 14 May 2011

somebody's got to be interested in how i feel just cause i'm here and i'm real

Things I have done today instead of writing the 3000 word portfolio that is due in on Wednesday:

1. Had sex
2. Bought bacon and beans
3. Cooked and ate bacon and beans
4. Sat outside talking with Triston, Butch, Doig and James
5. Smoked a cigarette
6. Facebooked
7. Went to the library and spent an hour finding and taking out books (so sort of productive yay)
8. Got back, realised none of the books are very relevant
9. Facebooked
10. Smoked a cigarette, went to Flat 40 and spoke to Emily, who says she has just woken up from a refreshing nap.
11. Came back, had a nap.
12. Woke up, facebooked and went on youtube
13. Walked to shop, bought pesto, cheese and a carton of Ribena
14. Cooked and ate pasta with pesto and cheese

I'm currently drinking my carton of Ribena and wondering what to do next. I might make a crown out of cardboard and officially crown myself the Queen of Procrastination.

Thursday 12 May 2011

shake, shake, shake senora!

1. I've decided to give up drinking as it makes me sick/ sleepy/ weepy and take drugs all the time instead - so apologies in advance if I die

2. I went to a MEXICAN themed party last night which involved a lot of chimichangas, ponchos, Harry Belafonte and tequila. It was very very fun yes it was, confirmed by the fact that when a security guard came to shut down the party he said that he didn't even get a complaint or phone call - they could just hear it from the security office at the other side of campus.

3. Doig was possibly the fucked i've ever seen him (on a combination of alcohol and other substances) and came out with THE best lines:

'Holly and Charlie are the same person; they just have different pictures on their heads'

(whispering to me) 'Don't say fourty... never say fourty...'

(to Triston) 'You are very, very spiderman'

(to me, pointing to my chest) 'Boob. You are... boob. You have one boob'

(to Edd) 'I am very in love with you' ... he then proceeded to push Edd against a wall and make noises which I can only describe as 'HURGH'

Go on, have a little boogie (you know you want to)

Sunday 8 May 2011

I saw this guy on Thursday night at Jam - my friend organised a night there and it was pretty fucking mental in a very good way. lots of electro swing and whisky and friends and drugs and dancing on the stage and getting thrown off the stage and knowing nearly everyone there and cigarettes on the beach after the club closed :)

Saturday 7 May 2011

I met him down by the bay, he said life is a stranger that won't go away. He took me by surprise and I felt for the first time what it's like to be alive. 

I met him down by the sea, he said I looked like someone he knew. I said 'I don't know anyone, so how could I possibly know you?'

I'm a soldier, but I don't know how to fight. I'm your best friend but I'm scared to see you tonight. I am the darkness but I want to be the light, oh how I want to be. Oh how I want to be. 

Thursday 5 May 2011

under the bridge downtown is where i drew some blood

You do not always know what I am feeling.
Last night in the warm spring air while I was
blazing my tirade against someone who doesn't interest
              me, it was love for you that set me
and isn't it odd? for in rooms full of
strangers my most tender feelings
           writhe and
bear the fruit of my screaming. Put out your hand,
isn't there
an ashtray, suddenly, there? beside
the bed? And someone you love enters the room
and says wouldn't
you like the eggs a little
different today?
And when they arrive they are
just plain scrambled eggs and the warm weather
is holding.

For Grace, After a Party - Frank O'Hara.

^ I fucking love my course at the moment, for reasons such as this indescribably beautiful poem. 

Wednesday 4 May 2011

In a few weeks I will get time to realise it's right before my eyes.

Brief update. I have NO money and so have been eating excessive amounts of noodles and sardines which is quite literally the only food I have left from the boxes of food my parents so lovingly gave me at the start of the year.

Triston and I are quite possibly the most broke couple I know; to the extent that not only are neither of us going out/ drinking/ buying anything desirable or necessary, but he's been working extra shifts all week, both of us have resorted to 'giving up' smoking (i.e. scrounging cigarettes and bits of tobacco from anyone sympathetic) and i've been wearing the same pair of tights for a week because I can't afford to do any laundry or get a bus into town and buy some... yum!

Aside from that, I'm having probably the most fun in my life that i'm ever going to have ever. The weather is nice, my course is suddenly surprisingly fun and engaging and there are always friendly people about :)

Saturday 30 April 2011