Wednesday 6 May 2009

which way to happy?

so i don't know really.
got my french speaking exam on friday, so you know, that devrait interessant. aujourd hui mrs ruddock went a bit crazy in notre lesson and gave us all Mr Men livres to read and put on Edith Piaf for the rest of the lesson; c'etait refreshing in a way.
i'm thinking maybe i should start DOING SOMETHING. you know, anything... just something. well i'm taking my driving test soonish so that's quite exciting; the other day i did reverse bay parking perfectly for the first time and my driving instructor looked like he was going to cry, so that was quite nice.

these are things that make me happy: kitty easdale and her house and her super duper coolness, when it rains super super hard, having vaguely meaningful conversations with people i don't really know, the collective sound of people taking off their seatbelts at the end of a flight, the way ani difranco says 'fuck', the way adam green says 'vagina', the way regina spektor says '32', when dad goes out and panic buys something i really like to have like blueberry juice or orange highlighter pens or houmus, when my sister's home, the way that when you blow bubbles sometimes they bounce off things instead of popping, thinking about when kimya dawson hugged me, quoting nice films like juno and almost famous and girl, interuppted and running with scissors and hellraiser and SHROOMS (well not so much shrooms but i only watched it the other day with alice and we laughed and laughed at it's super duper cheesy but kinda has a cool plot ish), when my hair behaves, pretty girls with big eyes and determined characters, reading old diaries.

these are things that irritate/frustrate me ish: when people take off their seatbelts before the sign's been switched off so it's less in unison, people who don't appreciate postsecret/juno/the miracle of bubbles.... errr, yeah, not that much irritates me really :)

so all the posts of responsibility at school have been announced, and i'm RE CAPTAIN which is a bit of a big big joke but it's quite a funny one. my friend molly summed it up by saying 'sophie, you're RE captain? but you're a lesbian, you smoke, you drink, you've done drugs, you lie, you cheat and you steal... you've pretty much broken all the 10 commandments, how fucking brilliant'.

1. Take Me To The Riot - Stars
2. Missed The Boat - Modest Mouse
3. Bomb This Track - Mindless Self Indulgence
4. Year Of The Cat - Al Stewart
5. Dog Days Are Over - Florence And The Machine
6. Hips Are Bad - Rachael Cantu
7. Notion - Kings Of Leon
8. Alcohol - CSS
9. Sunbeams and Some Beans - Kimya Dawson

il y a quelque chansons qu'interesse moi beaucoup en ce momente, et je crois qu'un jour peut-etre tout cette chansons sera vraiment grande et populaire et pas seulement numero sept. OOH je suis pense de une autre chanson qui est plus populaire que les chansons mentionees - Positive Tension a Bloc Party. Oui, ca, c'est fantastique innit.

pourquoi vous etes devez devenir trop hysteriques? - Party du Bloc.

so anyway.

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