Wednesday 26 May 2010

you know i'd like to keep my cheeks dry today

1. I now only have two days left of school, ever.
2. I'm super excited about muck up day on Friday; it's cowboys and indians themed and we're going to have bales of hay on the field and a huge totem pole in the hall and loads of posters everywhere saying things like WELCOME TO THE DEEP SOUTH and GO WHERE THE WIND TAKES YOU and THIS TOWN AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US and cowboy hats on all the Mary statues and a huge sign saying BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN replacig the Marist school sign :D. and we're covering an entire corridor in aluminium foil just for the hell of it, and we're going to have HOEDOWNS randomly in the middle of the day and cowboy fights and stuff. i'm a red indian and i made a super duper feathery headress today.
3. I spent most of the day today sitting in the canteen painting signs for afore mentioned muck up day - it was relaxing and chill.
4. my hair is looking good
5. I found a fiver last night which literally NEVER happens to me
6. did i mention i only have two days of school left ever?

I know i'm young but if i had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Did you take the rhythm from me? Yesterday I had it all. On Sunday you're gonna take me back.

I need to go, I need to get away from everything
I'll have to run to get away from here
I need to go, I need to get away from everything
Just for a while, I need to get away from here

And so we slowly slowly climbed over a ladder with no other side
And so I'll plead with you one last time, just to consider my point of view
The path on which you walk will never fail to keep you safe
But it will crumble underneath me, minus you.

The NME stage is looking boom ting for Reading this year.

Sunday 23 May 2010

And i'm losing my favourite game, you're losing your mind again.

My procrastination has impressed me somewhat today. I have:
1. washed my hair
2. tidied my room
3. arranged my dvds by genre
4. painted my nails
5. made 24 mix cds
6. labelled and decorated said mix cds
7. helped mum make dinner
8. earned 15,000 points on neopets.

however I have not revised for the philosophy mocks i have next week, or done the english essay due in tomorrow, or done the immense amounts of geography research due for tuesday, or revised for the vague but fast approaching A level exams.

I feel so numb, so swept aside

and everytime it's raining, you're the one to blame.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Why'd you have to get so hysterical?

yes i am aware that the dates are in funny positions but they refuse to coordinate and i've given up :)

1992, age 1

1994, age 2

1995, age 3

1996, age 4

1997, age 5

2003, age 11

2005, age 13

2006, age 14

2007, age 15

april 2008, age 16

august 2008, age 16

2008, age 17

2009, age 17

2010, age 18.
Before you left to go away
I wrote down what i couldn't say
I bet you read it on the road
With foggy lights and fingers cool

Now you drove so far but now you know
How rough it is to let me go
And let me recommend that you think twice
And i always give the best advice

Now come on back to where you know i'll be
Lets' go sit under the apple tree
You can floor that thing, let the engine roar
The wheels they'll spin, the rain it pours

And there's regret that you feel
About the choice you've made
You'll just have to deal
Before it goes away
You ask me how i feel
And here's what i'll say that
I'm doing fine, just fine
I'm doing fine.

am i more than you bargained for yet?

This weekend so far has shown me that:
1. i'm more of an attention seeker than i thought i was
2. i want a lover with a beautiful house (but not Anna)
3. i always say i like rain more than sunshine but i'm not sure that's entirely true anymore
4. i like still lemonade more than fizzy lemonade
5. i need more clothes.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

sweet dreams, sweet cheeks

I served out my detention
And in the end I got an honorable mention

In the movie of my life
Starring you
Instead of me

When the moonlight
Hits your bright eyes I go blind
And maybe next time
I'll remember not to tell you something stupid like I'll never leave your side

Like the oldest movie I ever saw was the one we wrote together
I said I hate you but I'd never change a thing
I can be your John Cussack

I burnt out
My defensive
Now everything I say is taken as offensive.

oh how i loved fall out boy before they got shit.

let's all meet up in the year 2000, won't it be strange when we're all fully grown?

Tuesday 18 May 2010

oh girl, you have no faith in medicine

1. my philosophy & ethics exam is in approximately 25 days and i don't know much
2. geography literally bored me to tears today and i didn't know that was even possible
3. i get addicted to the sims 3 at the most inappropriate of times
4. i'd like to marry Jack White even though he looks like Gollum sometimes

Monday 17 May 2010

me: LOOK AT THIS EARRING MUM (shows smiley face earring)
mum: OH YES, VERY 90s RAVE *does some weird dance and sings* E EEZA GOOD E EEZA GOOD

i swear she gets crazier by the day. Also my father (who keeps her vaguely sane) is in France until Sunday; lord help me.

you're a million ways to be cruel.

today was okay :)

Sunday 16 May 2010

i'll be coming home for you

Well I don't know what i'm doing here
I could say that I do but I don't
You could wrap a million candles
Into a torch and hope that it steers you home
You could cut all the telephone wires
And hope that nobody does get through
I might not have the power of telepathy
But I'm gonna be contacting you.

Because i borrowed a book that I saw
Was planted deep inside your bag
It gave me an excuse to see you again
But I'm not a thief
I'll give it back

Don't you ever wonder
Who's living in that house
It's too small for people, we all said
'But there's people in the floorboards', said the mouse

And I showed you the things that I'd made
You didn't think that they were too great
But I'm glad that you thought of it
Think what you're taught
Because everybody else's mind is grey

We kept up the act for two
Dates before it needed blue
I didn't drink what you drank
You didn't sink when I sank
So there's little else for us to do

I didn't say goodbye today
Oh I did it the cowards way
I tied it to the net, girl
To see where it gets
To go sailing on
Down your way

But you poured petrol all over
The ship you used to sail the sea
You didn't think that you'd be coming home again
So you said Bye to me

Don't you ever ponder
On things we never said
Yes I did
But when we were kids
Now it's too late
Because we're dead

Saturday 15 May 2010

situations are irrelevant now

let go, this too shall pass

1) my sister bought me a parrot necklace
2) the book i'm reading is super duper good
3) i don't have much work this weekend
4) i've actually DONE some work this weekend
5) we had a bbq earlier and it was sunny and yummy
6) my hair is less ginger and more even
7) i only have two weeks of school left, ever.

1) my first exam is in less than a month
2) i only have two weeks of school left, ever.

Thursday 13 May 2010

A million hours left to think of you and think of that

you are everything i want cause you are everything i'm not.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

i've tried to express how i feel but it changes every day

These are the things i'd like to do with my hair (i'm aware of the conflictions):
1. get an afro
2. get dreadlocks
3. dye it white blonde and have it super straight and sleek
4. get a block fringe
5. dye it BRIGHT blue
6. get a curly style that's wild and unruly but in a mangeable frizz free and kooky way - this occurs very rarely, but it is a spontaneous decision of my hair's that i have absolutely no say in.
7. dye it bright red (again)

tonight won't make a difference

how she's different is anyone's guess

1. leaver's assembly today was lovely jubbly and funny and cool.
2. yesterday was shite but today is considerably better :)
3. Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
4. I want more lions!
5. I want to own a lion
6. I want to BE a lion

not a lioness they're shite; a full fledging lion with a WILD mane, an intense roar and a whole lot of pride.

Sunday 9 May 2010

oh, this is getting slightly ridiculous.

sometimes i'm in danger of going too far

We danced together on the roof at the party,
5 stories removed from the troubles on the street
the sun arose revealing goose bumps on your arms
A sign that we should move together somewhere warm.

We moved to the street where they tried to hold curfew
and ran among the debris as the bullets flew.
Helicopters circled overhead to get a better view
We found a doorway, fell in and I held you.

We didnt give a shit about what they would say
and stayed up until the light turned our world/eyes grey.
we caned our money like it was our last day
2 fingers up at those who wont miss us when we pass away.

okay one more

first decent song/video i've found named after a Sophie, happy times!

it's strange what desire will make foolish people do

yes i am aware that my blog is becoming an endless stream of videos, i will write something substantial asap (maybe).

the world was a mess but his hair was perfect.

Saturday 8 May 2010

i know it's gay but i used to friggin' love this song ;D

i know it can't be right, but i just smile

instead of repeating what i said in my head.

Daddy, Daddy, please save the world from the government
Daddy, Daddy, please save my should from my own judgment
Daddy, Daddy, please send me a heart that isn’t made of cement
Cause the money’s all been spent
the money’s all been spent

Friday 7 May 2010

oh, and i dressed up as a nun and spilt Guinness all over a classroom floor and spoke with an awful Irish accent.

it sounds tacky, but i'm hopeful there's a reason the world turns round.

Today i only had one 15 minute lesson in which we talked about the importance of reputation in Othello. Apart from that, I watched the BBC news in the school canteen from 8:30am until about 3pm amongst a load of Tory supporters and felt a bit awkward but secretly pleased whenever Labour or Lib Dems won a seat (especially Lib Dems cause Clegg's a babe).
I also went to Subway and had a tuna melt, and had a bath and watched 10 episodes of Peep Show and found Cat's debit card in Jeff and straightened part of my hair and now i think i'm gonna go to bed.

all i wanted from the start was something i could hold in my hands

If I could say anything to anyone:
i'm sorry i'm so obvious but i don't know how else to be cause you never are, and i don't know how else to move things forward... except i don't even know if that's what you want so i feel like a bit of a twat.

If I could do anything:

I would be thankful for:
having a relatively stable upbringing, my un-homophobic family, growing up in North London so i haven't turned into a Conservative private school stuck up brat.

I would wish to be:
better looking, more motivated, charismatic.

I would wish to see:

I would wish to be able to:
get 3 As in June.

Thursday 6 May 2010

well you think you know someone. you know i like odd people, i appreciate odd people and i'm intending on having solely odd friends in the future with the possible exception of somebody normal but insanely good looking/ rich. and then you go and discover that the exponentially awesomely odd person you love actually lives in a caravan in Dundee with twenty seven parakeets, gang rapes 9 year old boys and eats their own shit. or something.

you're not 19 forever, pull yourselves together

all i need is bejewled and darwin deez and sandwiches and barry m nail varnishes and lions and cheap gigs and cigarettes and alcohol and music and trashy horror films and good horror films and the sun and jeff and you.

every day ought to be a bad day for you

but i'm sorry if it ever is.

1. new hair
2. money
3. cigarettes
4. darwin deez and his love forever
5. a subway
6. you to love me in the morning when i'm still hungover, to love me when i'm still strung out.

I work hard all week and so do you
We deserve to let off some steam
Less orthodox creeping,
We need to rage through all of this life
There might be ones who are smarter than you
That have the right answers, that wear better shoes
Forget about those melting ice caps
We're doing the best, with what we've got

When I'm with you, I am calm
A pearl in your oyster
Head on my chest a silent smile
A private kind of happiness
You see giant proclamations
Are all very well
But our love is louder than words

Monday 3 May 2010
